FA 420 – Introduction to Equine First Aid


Downloadable PDF – $85.00
Mailed Hardcopy – $105.00

SKU: FA-420D Category:


Caring for a horse is a big responsibility. When a horse becomes ill or injured, you’ll need to know exactly what to do while you await your veterinarian’s arrival. Your horse’s life may depend upon your judgement and expertise.

Dr. Penny Bauer, DVM, has authored this six-lesson course to help you cope with emergencies, and to teach you to recognize potential health problems before they take a turn for the worse. This comprehensive course explains routine-but-essential health care, basic first aid, and how to identify more urgent medical conditions. You’ll learn to monitor pulse and respiration rates, know the proper way to take the horse’s temperature, and become tuned into other vital signs. While this series is not a replacement for good, professional veterinary care, it will turn you into a more valuable health care partner—and may even save your horse’s life.

Lessons include:

  1. Sharpen Your Observation Skills
  2. Gastrointestinal Problems
  3. Musculoskeletal Problems
  4. Traumatic Injuries
  5. Wound Management & Bandaging Techniques
  6. Other Emergencies

Please Note: When ordering the Downloadable PDF, an email will be sent from which to access the course and print the materials. The Downloadable PDF will also be accessible through the My Account tab. The PDF includes the course lessons and the course quizzes. The course quizzes will then be available to be taken electronically (online). To access, simply login through the My Courses tab on the website. Once completed, the quizzes will be immediately graded and upon verification of course completion a Certificate of Achievement will be mailed to you.

When ordering the Mailed Hardcopy, the same course materials will be sent via USPS. The course lessons are printed on 3-hole punch paper, suitable for adding to a 3-ring binder. The mailed hardcopy includes the course lessons and the course quizzes. The course quizzes are then available to be taken electronically (online). To access, simply login through the My Courses tab on the website. Once completed, the quizzes will be immediately graded and upon verification of course completion a Certificate of Achievement will be mailed to you. Should circumstances prevent taking the quizzes online and require hand grading, please complete ALL six quizzes before submission. The quizzes may be scanned and returned together via email to admin@NewHorizonsEquine.com or mailed directly to NHEEC for instructor grading.


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